Faiez is your confidential partner, providing an objective ear, honest feedback, and an understanding of how to help you find and reach your personal and professional goals. Faiez will provide you with perspective; help you think about your opportunities in new ways, ask the right questions, help you identify your limiting beliefs, and suggest strategies to transform your life.

Faiez Seyal is a passionate coach who has personally coached thousands of individuals, executives, and organizations in his areas of expertise.

Coaching sessions with Faiez are strictly confidential, allowing both Faiez and the client in engaging in honest conversations surrounding deeper issues that the client has kept buried inside his subconscious which later creep into his conscious life without his intention or will. Such interactions allow the client to enter into a mutually trusting relationship with Faiez, therefore, assisting the process of change and growth.

Faiez’s outstanding strength of foresight and critical analysis enables him to convert a mere hour-long coaching session into a life-changing moment for his clients by showing a nuanced perspective to his problems and providing solutions that are practical and possible.

Faiez can literally advise you in any area of life, however, his majority of life coaching have been in the following six (6) areas of life:

Career and Business

Career Planning for the Post-Covid World
Becoming an Entrepreneur
Starting and Building an E-Commerce Business
Strategic Planning for Startups
Family and Home-based Businesses
Business Growth and Transformation

Personal Productivity

Learning and Growth
Enhancing Focus and Commitment
Improving Discipline and Organization
Improving Decision Making
Managing Life Priorities
Work-Home Balance

Wealth and Lifestyle

Personal Finance and Budgeting
Savings and Investment
Wealth Creation
Real Estate Management
Retirement Planning
Assets and Inheritance

Businessman presenting

C-Suite Coaching

Third-Party Reviews on Suppliers' Proposals
Impartial Advice on Internally Proposed Initiatives
Team Development
Leadership Development
Handling Difficult Team Members
Career Transitions

Organizational Change

Strategic Planning/Visioning
Organizational Structure/Work Processes
Organizational Culture and Behavior
Leadership Development
Performance Management
Organizational Change

Health, Wellness, and Vitality

Managing Stress, Loss and Grief
Recovery from Addiction
Leisure and Sports to Match Your Lifestyle
Food, Exercise and Fitness
Self Healing
Natural and Organic Living

All of Faiez’s coaching services are completely customized for your situation – taking into consideration a number of variables. Depending on the situation, some coaching sessions might be face-to-face and/or online.

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