Personal Coaching

Muhammad Awais

Muhammad Muaz
“The past two years I have spent with Verita have completely altered the course of my life. I was introduced to this institution in 2012 when I was at the tender age of 16 and, upon my father’s insistence, was forced to attend a residential FunCamp for Boys in Verita. Just like any other boy of my age, I was more interested in spending my summer vacations with friends, playing games and basically, wasting time. However, little did I know that I was in for a ride. Spending the most wonderful 6 days of my life in that Funcamp, I entered an entirely different world. I realized the 16 years I had spent living like any other child at my age does, was merely a lie – purposeless and empty. It was in these 6 days that I finally found what life really meant. I gained a new perspective and stepped onto a new path that, with every step, would direct me towards happiness and peace. As a result of these two years that I have spent with Verita, I have gradually been nurtured into a completely new person. Verita has provided me with the vision and balance in life that allows me to independently pave my own way towards the goals I have set for myself. At the mere age of 18, I have undergone unimaginable experiences that certainly the majority of my age fellows could not even fathom. Not only do I run my own showroom at this point in life, but I have become a committed individual to whom serving the community is much more than a simple act of empathy. In fact, I religiously devote myself to helping others and bettering their lives. Also, Verita has heavily influenced my relationship with my family. From an uncompromising, distant and rigid one into an understanding, affectionate and supportive relationship – I have undergone this rewarding change and been gifted the chance to experience family life like never before. Verita has helped me transform from an immature, aggressive, stubborn child into a more well mannered, more assertive and more dedicated individual altogether. We were told in my first workshop here that the term ‘Verita’ refers to ‘the truth’, and surely, it does, for it has provided me with a new pair of glasses that have enabled me to perceive life from a foolproof and clear perspective.”
Aisha Javed
“My first introduction with Faiez Seyal was through his book ‘The Road to Success’ in 2008 and reading it impacted my life miraculously. I was experiencing a rough patch in my life and going through intense depression, and that book saved me. In 2013, while browsing through Facebook, I came to know about Verita and started taking workshops which shook my core beliefs and I realized that my life was not at all a reflection of the ‘Best of Creations’ of Allah. I was living purposelessly and hence, felt an unbearable vacuum within me. How this thought transformed my life cannot be put into words. I am thankful to Allah for introducing me to Verita. It seems like I have only now woken up from a deep sleep as I have become more aware of my existence and this has brought me even closer to Allah. It might seem unbelievable to a person who has not attended Faiez Hassan’s training but those who have can relate to my experience. It has not only made me a better person with a high sense of ownership and accountability but also has improved my relationships, as well as my performance in the office. In less than a year, I have been promoted twice and Masha’Allah my management is completely enchanted with my performance. Now I am considered a role model employee who exhibits her values and generates positivity.”