Life is not to be perceived in absolute terms. What seems true may not be. There are many shades of grey in between.
Instead of fighting the inevitable, use your energy in doing what you can control.
There are things in life, you can change and there are things that will change you. Know the difference and live with it.
People don’t regret what they could not achieve, they regret not trying.
The Secret of Success; Think Big but Act Small.
Looking at things, people and places are not as important as what you see.
World only remembers those, who forget themselves.
Nothing brings more happiness than doing something that will outlast you.
The secret of Happiness: Dont believe in everything you hear & see and say little. Remember you have two ears and two eyes, but one tongue.
We cannot drive the vehicle of life, far enough, if we continued looking in the rear-view mirror.
The difference between those “who can” and “who can’t” is perseverance and patience.
If you have nothing to die for, you have nothing to live for.
Be in the company of those whose heart is enlightened.
I lose and find myself, everyday. I am……. in search of Me.
I am finding myself for the past half century.
People confuse life with living. I know so many who have a life but don’t actually live.
Show the way but let people walk on it at their free will.
Solutions to the life challenges are inside us, not elsewhere.
No one can do any evil to anyone, we do it to ourselves.
Fear the one who has nothing to lose.
Don’t be sorry for those who are blind but for those who have eyes and see not.
Silence speaks louder than words.
Every thought & action, alters your energy. You attract things, people and events from the world in your life, with similar energy. Be wise.
Our goal in life is not chasing things and desires, but rather making ourselves worthy of those and once done, they will find you.
Unless you open your hands and let go of what you already have, you cannot have more.
Irony of modern times: People would rather stay in dark than see the light.
No one can be truly “free”, without being free from the fear.
The more clearly you understand your own emotions and feelings, the more forgiving and loving you would become.
Successful person and failure have different attitude towards work. One does it out of “will” and the other out of “compulsion”.
It’s not important to live happily. What’s more important is to live honorably.
My life changed when I realized that I can control nothing but my own thoughts.
The one who is not happy with what he has, will never be happy which he wishes to have.
Success breeds complacency. Complacency leads to failure.
Silence, a big asset…… much, costs nothing.
Those who continue looking through the past, don’t do well in present. One cannot drive too far while looking in the rear view mirror.
It’s good to live well, even better to leave well, alone.
Speak good, if you must…….else stay shut.
You can get anything in your life, if you are willing to lose everything else you have, for it.
It is far too easy to be successful, than to stay there.
All we have to do, to attract this abundance in our lives, is to match the frequency, through our thoughts and actions.
There is abundance in the God’s universe, and scarcity in the man’s world.
People ultimately become like the role they play in life. Make sure that you play a worthwhile role.
Wealth is not the money you have, but rather the number of days you can live comfortably without worrying about money.
The line dividing the Success and Failure is called a DECISION.
For first 50 years of life, people lose everything to make money….and later, they spend all of it trying to get back what they have lost.
The lesser one has, more free one is.
Feed your passion, when you can. And it will feed you, when you can’t.
Every mass has a specific energy and every energy can take shape of a mass. You can change mass to change your energy level or vice versa.
Social isolation is people’s greatest fear and without it they will always remain as they are.
You cannot discover new paths while still traveling on the old ones.
Detachement with undesirable posessions, people or habits is a key to success.
Isolation is the smallest price one pays for being different…..and it’s worth it. can buy you bed, but not sleep. It can buy you treatment but not health. It can buy you friends, but not friendship.
Money is not the solution but rather cause of all problems.
Hard work does not kill, lack of work does.
Learn to listen to your heart. It never cheats.
One who live poor, die rich.
Ever wondered why people spend too much on “Brands”. They help adding weight to the personal ego of those who otherwise are weightless.
In life, you will never have it all, at the same time. So get the best of whatever you have and stop procrastinating of what you dont.
What’s said is often not heard. What’s heard is not often said.
Words have no meanings. Meanings are in people.
More you chase a thing in this world, the faster it runs away. The lesser you care of something, the more you will have it.
Live free means… from all negative emotions.
To a large extent, our sustenance is dependent on the choices we make and decisions we take in our life.
Its good to manage money, but never let it manage you.
Spend less, Invest more. An important secret of millionaires.
Whatever you have spent in this life was yours and what you leave behind when you die was never yours.
He is wealthy who is content with whatever he has.
“Brand-Crazy” people have lower self respect and wearing a expensive and big “brand” give it a boost.
Rich is the one who wants less, not the one who have more.
One of the greatest traits of successful people is their intrinsic motivation. Extrinsically motivated people don’t go too far.
What I have today will be someone else’s tomorrow…but what I am is…no one else can.
Competence and hardwork can earn you success….but it is the character that keeps you there.
We are a living magnet and attract in our lives, what we pay attention to. Be cautious in your choice.
DAD Principle is integral to success. Deliberate, Act, Deliberate.
Thinking is much easier than actions. Yet, people continue acting without thinking.
Count your wealth looking at what you have given, and not by what you have taken from this world.
Value of a person is not determined by the wealth he has or the title he wears but thru his competencies, reflected through his actions.
Anything that can be counted is finite and will come to an end. The money is and so are all the assets that we have……love, kindness, health, blessings, patience, tolerance, peace, are eternal and infinite.
Think twice before asking a favor. It destroys one’s self image.
What we give to LIFE is what LIFE gives back to us. Give what you want.
We are what we think all day. Think GREAT.
One of the greatest vices of this world is GREED……..and unfortunatley it grows with age.
Every breath takes us one step closer to death, then Why to celebrate Birthdays!
Say less, lose less, …..say more, lose more.
Man can have anything what he strives for…….but most of the things people strive for are not worth the price they pay.
Choose the life that you want to live, instead of adopting to the lives of people around.
Keep your thoughts pure. Remember evil attracts evil.
Keep on moving, but stay detached with results and see the magic.
People who live modest, die rich.
Be poor to self and rich to others.
Moderation is the best insurance against poverty.
People tend to overlook the defects of a personlaity covered with wealth or gentleness.
He who discloses his hardship and calamities is always humiliated. Never disclose these to none.
Poverty is the worst type of death. Fight it.
People run away from themselves. They are afraid of being alone.
The longest journey,I can ever remember is the journey to self discovery.
I was lost, so I decided to find myself.
If you are not lost yet, you may not find yourself.
Bigger the hardships, bigger could be the rewards…..provided we could sail through it.
There is no success without hardships.
For anything to happen, you must be passionate about it.
Man without passion is a fire without light.
Passion is a strong feeling or emotion for a belief, which is often irrational.
Behind every BIG achievement in the world, there was someone passionate about it.
Every single thing around us is created in a perfect balance. When we destroy the balance, we get in trouble.
Success is of those who can patiently persevere.
Do you have something that consumes you to the extent that you lose track of time. If not, find one and commit to it.
The difference betwen “Garden” and a “Jungle”……”Planned vs. Unplanned”. Don’t let you life become a jungle.
If you dont know, where you wana go, then doesn’t matter where you go.
People don’t get anywhere because they don’t know where they want to go.
Success breeds complacency, which is a first step towards dowfall. Don’t let it corrupt you.
More than 90 % of the people’s beliefs are adopted, not chosen. Start challenging your beliefs, and you will be taken up by a BIG shock.
Our life is result of our own conscious or unconscious choices. If it has to change, it is only WE who could do it.
The only way to strengthen a belief……..act on it, talk it, walk it…… it….
A critical question to answer at the beginning of The Road to Success: HOW WOULD I SERVE THE PEOPLE!
Without passion….that total crazy, irrational, irrestitable attachement with your dream, nothing happens.
Success is not difficult. The self discipline that is required to make it happen, is.
Never be afraid of trials and afflictions. Big rewards come after trials.
A wise man neither over-cries or be over-happy.
Patience and perseverance are the powers, which can remove any barriers.
Words without rock-solid belief are not powerful enough to influence……..and action is a prerequisite for developing rock-solid belief.
Evil attracts evil. Make sure that you live with pure and positive thoughts.
Find out what you love to the extent that you would do for nothing, and commit FULLY to it. The money will automatically follow.
Unless you discover a passion that consumes you fully, you can never become successful.
Real abundance is not having more, but wanting less.