As any family’s health is dependent on the health of its individuals, any organization’s health is dependent on the physical and psychological health of its employees. In other words, we can say th...
Executive and Leadership Development
Faiez Hassan Seyal | June 2003
Study Background:
By early 1995 I had been involved in the HR and change management consulting and corporate training for over seven years and had conduct...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | October 1995
In the last 12 years of my professional life, I had this opportunity to interact with thousands of people and provided consultation to huge number as well. Thes...
In the modern world, there is nothing more talked about than communication. Dynamic organizations send their mangers to attend seminars on communications. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, it is one of t...
Faiez Hassan Seyal, Co-authored with Umer Raza Bhutta | October 2003
All of the great accomplishments that have ever happened began with a person who had a dream. Somebody rebuffed the nay-sayer...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | 1992
Management theories date back thousands of years, but a more organized and scientific approach to management has emerged only in the last one and a half century. Over t...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | August 2000
In this time of mergers, acquisitions, right-sizing, technology, restructuring, etc. one of the biggest challenges, corporate leaders are facing is the motivati...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | September 1996
Like the unhappy centipede, many people get along fine working with others. Without thinking about which foot to put forward. But when there are difficulties,...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | Presented at “Character, Family and Public Service: Building a Culture of Peace” organized by Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace at Lahore, Pakistan from ...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | March 1996
It was the howling of a lonely dog whic...