Faiez Hassan Seyal | Authored during M.A. (Public Economics) degree between 1987-1989
Macroeconomic variables keep on changing and these events constantly make news. Price,...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | Authored during M.A. (Public Economics) degree between 1987-1989
In this age of rapid growth and development in every walk of life, it is very difficul...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | Authored during M.A. (Public Economics) degree between 1987-1989
Social Security-officially called old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI),...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | Presented at “4th International Energy and Environment Conservation Symposium 1996 organized by South Asian Cooperation in Energy and Environment held at Islamabad, Pakistan from D...
This brief article is an extract from my research paper written during my master’s degree in the United States. During my initial research to find a success story, I read in a ...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | June 2002
Like ISO[1] 9000 and ISO...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | March 1996
It was the howling of a lonely dog whic...
Faiez Hassan Seyal | Article Published in “Pakistan Management Review” Fourth Quarter, 1990
Faiez Hassan Seyal | Presented at “3rd International Convention on Quality Control (ICQC-97)” organized by PIQC and EPB held at Karachi, Pakistan from October 7-9, 1997
Faiez Hassan Seyal | Presented at “2nd International Convention on Quality Control (ICQC-96)” organized by PIQC and EPB held at Karachi, Pakistan from October 1-3, 1996